
Eyes (Glowing) (Rare)

Category: Magic
Species: Puffling

Eyes emit a glow.
Must be paired with Eyes (Coloured).

Enchanted Markings (Rare)

Category: Magic
Species: Puffling

Markings can glow and float off the body.

Familiar (Mythical)

Category: Magic
Species: Puffling

Allows the presence of one or multiple familiars.
If multiple, familiars should be the same species (ex. butterflies).
Can be an existing animal or a fantasy one.

Familiars cannot be larger than the puffling itself

Elemental (Inner) (Rare)

Category: Magic
Species: Puffling

Elemental magic that is shown internally.

Affects wing membrane + horn texture.
Can be shown on inside of mouth as well.

Elemental (Outer) (Mythical)

Category: Magic
Species: Puffling

Elemental magic shown on the outside.

Can affect wing, mane, and tail.
Can also appear as magic around the puffling.

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